knowledge of computer cabinets and parts inside
knowledge of computer cabinets and parts inside Some delicate and important parts of the computer remain locked in a box. This box is made of iron or plastic. This box itself is called Computer Case or Cabinet. [Note: In the absence of information to the cabinet people call it CPU. But this is not true. The CPU has a Microprocessor Chip inside the motherboard. So avoid this senselessness.] There are some Buttons and Connecting Ports on the outside of the cabinet. With the help of which other assistive devices are connected to the computer. All the important parts of the computer are installed inside it. Whose information is being given below. The names of the devices inside the computer cabinet; 1. Motherboard Computer Motherboard Motherboard is the Main Circuit Board of the computer. In which the devices like CPU, Hard Disk, USB Devices, Power Units etc. are connected directly and indirectly. All the devices related to the computer are conn...