knowledge of computer cabinets and parts inside

knowledge of computer cabinets

and parts inside  

Some delicate and important parts of the computer remain locked in a box. This box is made of iron or plastic. This box itself is called Computer Case or Cabinet.
[Note: In the absence of information to the cabinet people call it CPU. But this is not true. The CPU has a Microprocessor Chip inside the motherboard. So avoid this senselessness.]

There are some Buttons and Connecting Ports on the outside of the cabinet. With the help of which other assistive devices are connected to the computer. All the important parts of the computer are installed inside it. Whose information is being given below.

The names of the devices inside the computer cabinet;

1. Motherboard
Computer Motherboard
Motherboard is the Main Circuit Board of the computer. In which the devices like CPU, Hard Disk, USB Devices, Power Units etc. are connected directly and indirectly. All the devices related to the computer are connected by this. And they are also managed.

2. CPU
Computer CPU ''Central Processing Unit''
The full name of the CPU is Central Processing Unit. This is called the brain of a computer. Because all Logical and Mathematical Process is done by this. All instructions are also resolved by the CPU itself. Its speed to work is very fast. CPU performance that is measured in MHz, GHz.

The CPU is a square plate of about two inches. Which has a Silicon Chip inside. This chip is equal to the thumb of our hands. The CPU in the CPU motherboard remains in the Socket. Which is covered by Heat Sink. On top of which a Cooling Fan is mounted. You can easily identify it.

3. RAM
Computer ram
The full name of RAM is ''Random Access Memory''. RAM is the memory of a computer. In which computer stores data. Without this, the computer cannot do its job. This is the main memory of the computer. In which the computer stores the data of the work currently being done.

RAM is a temporary memory. In which data is stored for some time only. When a task is over or the power supply stops. So the store data is automatically deleted in it.

4. Hard Disk Drive
Hard Disk Drive is a Secondary Storage Device. In which we can store songs, videos, photos, files etc. data forever. In this device, store data remains stored forever. And even after the power supply is closed, it does not get deleted.

5. Power Supply Unit
Computer Power Supply Unit SMPS
The Power Supply Unit is known as SMPS. Through which electricity is supplied to all the equipment in the cabinet. Its main job is to convert the electricity coming from outside to the motherboard according to the need of the computer. From where electricity is transported to other devices.

[Note: Whenever you want to open the computer cabinet, first remove the power plug. Only then touch the tools inside it. So that you and your computer are safe.]

6. Cooling Fan
The function of a cooling fan is to protect the CPU from excess heat. It stays on the Heat Sink. Which you can easily identify.

7. Expansions Cards
Different motherboards have Expansions Slots. In which Expansions Cards are placed. Well nowadays we do not need them. Because Video Cards, Sound Cards, Graphics Cards etc. come built in.

If you are not satisfied with the performance of your computer. And if you want to increase it, you can increase the efficiency of your computer by placing different types of Expansions Cards in Expansions Slots.

what have you learned?
In this lesson, we have given you complete information of Computer Cabinet. You have learned about all the devices within the Computer Cabinet. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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